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To make the communication with parents and teachers easy, a separate class wise whatsapp group is being initiated and maintained daily. Homework, worksheets, circular, motivation classes, video classes, online classes are live streamed through this group with links, important achievements and students are uploaded regularly. Parents who are abroad can also see and enjoy the achievement of activities of students that happen in school. Test timetables, schedule of events, extracurricular and co-curricular activities are being uploaded in this group. Birthday celebrations, Rolling shield exchanges, daily assembly activities are also uploaded.

All Hands In

Separate restrooms for boys and girls are well maintained, with regular washing and cleaning to keep germs at bay. Automated sensors to turn on sinks and flush the toilets. Problems if any,  fixed at the earliest. Make sure no bad odors, air purifiers fans, windows and freshness are used regularly.   A professional cleaning service and disinfection of the restrooms are done properly. Separate urinals, washbasins and Indian and western models are in place.


Every important day like religious festivals, birthdays of children, marriage day of staff members, birthday of leaders, Annual day, Sports day, Club days, Literary days are being celebrated with joy. Essay writing competitions, coloring competitions, project competition and elocution competition in Tamil, English and Hindi etc. are conducted to stimulate interest and creativity of students.

Christmass Classroom
Water Purifier & Glass

We provide clean drinking water with the installation of RO, water purifier. Separate machines are placed in different floors and locations for the convenience of students and teachers. It gives clean, odors – free and dirt free water that is good in taste too. R.O technology doesn’t remove essential nutrients and minerals that one needs through water. It only eradicated heavy metals that are dangerous for humans. So, be assured as kids are drinking water rich in minerals salts and nutrients beneficial for kids.


Today’s modern educational facilities use more power than ever before because of technological advancements. For lights, fans, biometric attendance systems, fire alarms, extensive computer networks, interconnected phone systems, internet connections, A/C halls, digital theater, AV halls and various other technological advancements operating on electricity. We have a backup power supply with modern generators. We supply uninterrupted power supply in classroom devices like smart boards, projectors, television and more for school building such as alarms, security intercom, paging system, central heating and air conditioning, printers, fax machines, scanners, art rooms, music rooms, recreation rooms,  science labs and more.

Floating Solar Panels

Open Field

The most important facility every child needs is an open field in which they can plan, socialize, train, and demonstrate their hidden abilities unchecked. It is the favorite and popular place of students where many tournaments, mass drills, rehearsals, parade, and important events are being conducted with more practice days with trainers and fellow students.

Field Amusement Park

As to give excitement and amusement to students, A highly dedicated park, well equipped with sufficient numbers of sportsmanship equipment is an intellectual activity to have good time, sports, games, fun, exercise, warm up, team building and sportsmanship. Students from K.G to 6th std students are the regular visitors with teachers and trainer weekly thrice, daily evening and on NO BAG DAY celebrations.



The whole campus, including each room is under the surveillance of CCTV from day and night with audio and video backup. It gives 24x7 digital protections to each and every individual on the campus.


CCTV Camera
Home Continuous Glucose Monitoring Training

Health is wealth. At Counian, every student is being made to undergo general checkups for vision, dental, common cold, fever. Doctors visit whenever there is a  threat from infection, Dengue, Corona virus and fever of various types. Traditional Nilavembu  decoction, tonic, tablets, are being provided regularly with the guidance of doctors and health department of state and central government. Separate room, First Aid Kit, is always ready for the needy. Preventive steps are given to students whenever there is a need for it . To prevent diseases like fever, cold, disease, malaria, Covid 19 and other contagious diseases. Awareness meeting is done with drama, talk, oath and skits. Special teachers are invited to address the gathering whenever necessary.


Even smart teachers need smart modern tools, our classrooms are bestowed with the latest digital smart boards along with electronic white boards. It helps students enjoy the classes with audio and video mode. It is environment friendly and helps in online classes. Smart boards allow teachers to work through a lesson and save it for students to review at home. Thus, students can watch lessons at home through video links. Smart Boards give students enthusiasm, excitement and clear images and videos of the present lessons and documentaries. Teaching and learning process is easy, effective and interactive with this smart board based education.

Online Class

Owing to the unexpected pandemic reasons schools are closed but not our education. With the assistance of “ GOOGLE MEET & ZOOM” online classes are being taken from KG – 12 Std in a planned schedule in the convenient time of students, teachers and parents. All the fastest technology is being used to give more  excitement and innovation for online classes, homework, tests, and competition are conducted through online classes. No separate fee is collected for the same is the highlight of Counian.


Students enter and leave the campus only after the BioMetric attendance notification. Parents are aware of the school timings and duration normally students take to reach home and school through different kinds of transportation mode, on foot, cycle, bus, auto, van and bike. This device is very helpful to track students routinely. 

Entrance 2.jpg
Educational Gardening

To mitigate stress and anxiety of students from regular study and homework, a beautiful color fish tank, digital music, aerobic dance session, love birds, swans, and parks are provided to students. They can visit these places at their will and wish to get relaxed. Mothers’ Room, meditation and yoga halls facilities are more popular among students of Counian. It gives peace, calmness, solitude, fortitude and joy.


Hcl & Educomp – Smart Classes 
Transport Facilities At Subsidised Rates

 Language Lab For English Pronunciation

Music: Vocal 
Heritage Club 
Skating, Field Trip & Educational Trip

Arts And Crafts 
Handwork & Project Work 
Audio – Visual Coaching 
Scout & Guide Classes 
Junior Jaycee 
Junior Red Cross 
Meditation Classes 
Orchard Nature Club 

 Mirra Jazz Orchestra 
Vedic Maths 
Individual Development Courses 

 Computer Courses From Std V To IX Conducted By Bharathidhasan University,Trichy.

Music : Instrumental Classes 
R.O System (Cool & Hot) 



Extra Coaching Classes For Weak Students 
Language Centre To Learn English, Hindi And French 
Bharathanatyam Classes 
Mental Ability Test Classes 
Free Medical Check Up 
General Knowledge 
Disaster Management Drill 
Competitive Exam Centre(T.I.M.E) - I.I.T,J.E.E/A.I.P.M.T 
Free Abacus 
Interact Club 
Student Social Services [SSS] 
Red Ribbon Club 
National Green Crops 
E-Theatre For Spoken 
Vazghavalamudan Yoga & Meditation Classes From Std IX To XII.

Rhobotic Classes 
Sports & Games 
Broad Band Wi-Fi Connection & CCTV 




The school will take all possible efforts to kindle the latent talents of all pupils through co-curricular and extra curricular activities in order to develop their personality. Pupils at all levels are given sucient training to help them to become good leaders. This includes Music, Singing, Elocution, Debating, dramatics, Public Speaking and indoor games. Opportunities are provided for social service for Learning the Maintenance of Flowers & vegetable Garden.

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